Thanks for visiting our blog!

We hope that through our blog you'll get a glimpse of our world. We'd like to think our life is exciting enough to document, but really we're just "average joe's" living each day, loving each other!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Life as we know it (for now)

So in case you didn't notice I had to change the title of our blog. "Weekly" has been a bit difficult to keep up with these days. I cannot image what it will be like once Mini W actually joins our family- maybe "Worrell Yearly":) Speaking of the little booger here is the latest picture we have.

Anyways- we've been working away here in TFO (Toledo-Freakin' Ohio) as we like to call it. This summer hasn't been too bad, actually cooler than Colorado which has been nice. We've been able to experience things here we've never done before. For instance...
Micah doing yardwork!

Installing a dishwasher & garbage disposal! What a guy!

Getting to wear the LONG White Coat. It's official ladies & gents- he's a REAL doctor now!
Not only is he working all day saving lives...
He comes home and catches dinner!

So I need to explain- our neighbors told us about these big bugs that come in the middle of July and kill the cicadas. They fly through the air, attack and sting the cicadas, then drag them down to the nests they've created (in the grass beside our driveway). When the first told us about them I was a bit nervous, but then I actually saw them and I FREAKED OUT!! I stayed in the car one day for at least 30 min b/c I was too scared to get out. Those things suddenly appeared and I didn't want them to mistake me for a delicious cicada. Needless to say- my dear husband broke out the tennis racket and has now killed a total of 25. He and our neighbor are in a fierce competition for the "Cicada Killer Wasp Open!"

So as you can see -residency sure is exciting. At least at our house!

I have had a few Ohio experiences myself. My mom had a cake made for me at the local bakery down the street for my birthday. It was wonderful! I didn't eat it all myself, but I sure could have! I also went blueberry picking at a local farm. Let's just say this city girl is getting country-fied???  

We've all been working hard trying to get the nursery ready!

And of course...

I'm getting large & in charge! 10 Weeks to go!

1 comment:

maren said...

I was so excited to see a new blog! But believe me, I know how hard it is to keep updated! :o) Glad you guys are doing well... can't wait to see you!