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We hope that through our blog you'll get a glimpse of our world. We'd like to think our life is exciting enough to document, but really we're just "average joe's" living each day, loving each other!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Best Road Trip Ever...or not!

Well, we've been here in Ohio for a total of 22 days now and let's just say it has been... eventful. Some of the details of our move I've tried to put out of my head, but I'll do my best to recap our journey across the US. It all started with packing up the Penske in Colorado. The trip started out great. Micah & I were in the Penske pulling a trailer with the Jetta on back and Dad & Mom were driving behind us in the Jeep. We had great weather, no issues just a long day. The Penske didn't get great gas mileage so we didn't arrive in Davenport, Iowa (our destination for the night) until 11:30 pm. We were all exhausted, but knew we had another long day ahead of us. We were scheduled to close on our house in Toledo at 2pm the following day so we needed to get up earlier than originally planned to make up for the extra time. So... the four of us and Moses shared a hotel room for about 5 hours before waking up at 4:30am to head out again. We drove about 15 minutes down the road before we got a call from Dad saying that the jeep is driving funny. So we pull over into a grocery store parking lot so Micah and Dad can check it out. They do and the jeep is no longer drivable. After much debate and discussion we decide it would be best if Micah, Moses, and I head out in the Penske ( Yes that is Moses in the front seat of the Penske with us- very comfortable!) so we can try to make our closing. Micah starts up the Penske and attempts to put the truck into drive and it won't shift out of park- Yes you read it correctly THE PENSKE WON'T SHIFT OUT OF PARK!!! So now, not only is the jeep undrivable, but now the truck is undrivable. At this point we call our realtor to tell here we won't be making the 2pm closing. We also call Penske and they send someone out to look at the truck. At this point it is 8:30a or so. Micah is surprisingly calm and we both cannot believe this is happening to us. We start questioning our life and whether God is telling us to turn around and head back home! Finally, the guy from Penske arrives and fixes the truck ( or so we think). We follow him back to the Penske site to exchange our trailer for one that we can put the jeep on. We get the new trailer and load the jeep up on it and get ready to head out again with mom & dad now driving the jetta. Once again, THE PENSKE WON'T SHIFT OUT OF PARK!! Fortunately, we were at the right place. The guy came out and disconnected something or other and "fixed" it for us. While all the truck business is going on our realtor- who is amazing- arranged for someone from a sister title company to come to the Penske truck rental building in Davenport, Iowa and close on our house. I didn't even know that was possible, but hey- it worked! So... it is now 1:30p and we are ready to head out. We had no other issues the rest of the day. Thank the Lord! We pulled into our driveway in just after 12a. We were so exhausted- but excited to be there. We slept on air-mattresses in the family room of our new home!
The next few days were filled with moving in and getting situated. We were so thankful that my mom and dad were with us- they were a BIG help. We also had help from Bobby & Leslie our friends from Pre-med @ CU. They are starting a residency up in Michigan about an hour away.
All in all- we learned that no matter how much time and effort we put into "planning" things God has a way of stopping us in our tracks to get our attention. For some reason HE didn't want us on the road that day and we can only thank Him for watching out for us.
We miss all our friends and family in Colorado, but are keeping a positive outlook on this next adventure. Keep us in your prayers as you're in ours!
Here is a slideshow of our trip! I'll get better at updating this more often!

Many of you have asked a Mini W - he/she is growing like crazy. I've felt a lot of movement especially when Micah is talking to me. I think he/she already knows daddy's voice! Pregnancy is so amazing and I can't wait to meet this little one!


Jamieson Family said...

We made it into your blog. How lovely. When are we going to get together anyway! fellow midwesterner, northerners?!! Whatever we are.

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah and Kaylee!

I enjoy reading your blog to see how you and "Mini W" are doing.

I hope everything is going well with all 3 of you!

Your house is so cute. Are you all settled in now?

Love ya!