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We hope that through our blog you'll get a glimpse of our world. We'd like to think our life is exciting enough to document, but really we're just "average joe's" living each day, loving each other!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Micah gets a shot at this thing....

My turn, my turn.....Yeah, so this pregnancy thing is soooo exciting and yet soooo weird. I mean, think about what's happening.... In no other situation is it socially acceptable to have someone or something use you specifically for their own benefit. And yet, that's the beauty of a pregnancy and the whole thing just kinda blows my mind.....still.

Other stuff:
I'm less than 5 weeks from my race in Arizona right now and am feeling pretty good overall (here's my bike, looks fast....). To be honest, though, I'm sick of early morning rides/runs and having to swim or run before I come home each night. I'll be ready once the race is over 'cause it's been a long haul to say the least. We'll put up pics and also tracking info so anyone can follow me through the race.....if you're just sitting around on April 13th, that is.
I'll be heading to OH to look for a place to live in April and then we'll be turning right back around and moving out in early June. It's still strange to me that the past 4 years have all been an effort to match a residency spot and now the time has come to "grow up" as a physician.

So, that may be all you get from me for months so enjoy, read it often......Micah

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