Thanks for visiting our blog!

We hope that through our blog you'll get a glimpse of our world. We'd like to think our life is exciting enough to document, but really we're just "average joe's" living each day, loving each other!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We had a ton of snow in January. The Northeast doesn't mess around when it comes to Winter!
Here are a few pictures of how we spent the past couple months.

Miss Lucy has started to eat rice cereal. She actually has great coordination (wonder where she gets it???) and wants to feed herself.

We had to bundle up to take Moses on walks!

Lucy likes to sit in the laundry basket!

She's finally discovered her toes- yummy!

She LOVES her "Johnny Jumper"- She's a volleyball player in training!

Momma's already got her helping with the dishwasher!

Uncle Mark & Aunt Allison came to visit us.

One day I decided to take some pictures.  We were in her room and I got some pretty good pictures.

Cute little bum-bum!

Until... she decided "enough was enough" and if you look closely (by her right foot) you can see her gift back to momma!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday Happiness!

So, not only am I Lucy's mom, but I must also be the mother of all slackers as well! I've been needing to update this since November, but things aren't as easy as they used to be. The holiday's came and went and now Lucy is almost 3 months old. Our lives have been totally turned upside down. I never knew taking a shower or brushing my teeth would be so much work! Our "get-up-and-go" life has "got-up-and-gone" at least for the next 18 or so years! Actually, I've never had a job that has been more fulfilling, challenging, and amazing. Becoming a mother has been such a blessing. I still have days where I freak out when I realize that I/we are responsible for this little human.

Lucy is a very good baby. She hasn't laughed yet, but is trying really hard. She loves to suck on her hands and is starting to figure out how to use them. She likes to cuddle with mommy and talk with her daddy. Her eyes light up when he comes home and it makes my heart melt.
Micah is halfway done with his intern year. His current rotation is plastic surgery and he's really enjoying it. A lot of the surgeries have been reconstructions so he's able to use his artistic side. He is planning on competing in a half-Ironman in August and is enjoying getting back in a training routine. We just joined the local gym and it has been so nice for both of us to get back into our active lifestyle.

I am keeping busy with Lucy, our house and getting back into the gym. I've also met some other young mom's to get together with. Toledo is slowly becoming home and I'm still amazed at how much God blesses those who are obedient to him!

We spent Thanksgiving down in Mississippi with Micah's family and had a great time on Aunt Lee's farm. Here is a slideshow of a few pictures.

My family drove out from Colorado to celebrate Christmas with us. Here are a few photos.

I'll try to keep this more up to date in 2009. God Bless!

Friday, November 7, 2008


For some reason, sweet little miss Lucy has decided that night time is her time.
No more of this sleeping thing when the sun goes down. Nope, that's the time to party as far as she's concerned.
Oh well, it's better than being on call I guess.

Life with Lucy

So life has turned upside down & inside out with the arrival of Lucy. I wasn't sure what to expect in regards to having a baby at home, but nothing could have prepared me for the life changes. We were very fortunate to have my mom stay with us for 3 weeks after Lucy was born to help us out. She's amazing!
Lucy is doing great and was able to come home October 22. Leaving her at the hospital for that week was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm still getting used to the idea that I have a daughter. I was shocked to say the least when I saw that she was not a HE! I guess my motherly instinct wasn't in effect yet because I was sure we were having a boy. WRONG!
God has truly blessed us with a beautiful little girl and I feel so lucky to be her Momma! Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Here are some pics of our angel!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Hey everyone. Just a quick update on Lucy and her adventure in the ICU.
The chest xray from Thursday was read as possible pneumonia so we've decided that she should stay for a total of 7 days of IV antibiotic treatment just in case. Clinically, she's great. No abnormal blood work, no lethargy or signs that she's sick. She's learning the nursing thing fairly well and is taking some formula to supplement while the milk is being "delivered". It's a bummer that she has to be here and we hate that she can't go home right now 'cause that's where she belongs. We're not used to being in the hospital and to be honest, I'm not too keen on doctors...Either way, though, she's here for another 5 days or so and we're blessed that she's probably the healthiest (and biggest) kid in the NICU. They just wheeled a 1 1/2 pounder past us on the way to the back of the ICU and it's tough not to feel guilty that little Lucy is doing so well. Welp, that's about it for now. Here's some more video of Kay and Lucy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


For those of you interested in seeing this girly move and shake, here's a little video intro to Lucy and her world.
More to come I'm sure....this chick is going to be spoiled....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well, things just went from simple to outrageous and we'd like to introduce the newest member to the Worrell household:


7lb/9oz, 20in long
(for all of you haters out there, it was in fact a girl and now I'm officially outnumbered....)

I'll give some more details in the morning, or later this morning, but thought I'd share the following pics 'cause I know that's what all of you are waiting for.
Before going, though, we did have to give up our little Lucy for the night because she was having a little more trouble breathing that they liked to see. She'll be in the NICU for at least the next 48 hours for monitoring and antibiotics so just pray that everything will run smoothly. It's a little discouraging and a bit of a scare to have this happen first thing if you know what I mean.

P.S. ignore the stupid bow they put on the hats in the hospital. Soon enough, Lucy will be sporting a full Nike gettup, much more representative of our approach to life...not a bow, what were they thinking....
P.S.S. the placenta is especially for Uncle Ben...congrats.